
One Koast Entertainment

What is OKE?

OKE is a family, it's a place for artists and music lovers to come together. OKE events are filled with exciting sounds from a new generation, a perfect place for true music lovers to enjoy. OKE offers opportunity to young artists. A place to grow, by giving them access to venues and new fans.

Why do I work so hard for OKE?

I work hard for OKE because I enjoy the music scene and I get to see things play out with a positive reward. When I work for OKE I am able to see return on my work when people are enjoying the events. I love making people happy and providing them an overall music experience. I take pride in this job and have the time to put in any work i’m asked to do.

I work hard for OKE because of what music has meant for me in my life. Growing up it played such a huge role in developing me into the person I am today. I want to share that experience with the next generations to come, to make sure I do my part to keep the music alive.



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